About the Company

eBook or Print was only established in 2016 so we do not have a long 20-30 year history. However, our commitment towards delivering excellence in terms of client satisfaction has led to a strong network of referrals which ultimately helped our business to grow.

Not only have we been recognised as the top book marketer in New York by multiple places, our CEO, Jerry Reid, was also recognised and accepted into Entrepreneur Mag’s entrepreneur leadership network. You can view his published article here:

View our Entrepreneur.com Article

“We are grateful for the opportunity to be recognised as a top book marketing company, despite only being established in 2016. Our results for our authors speak for themselves, and these invitations are just confirmations of our ability. If given a choice, we always prefer to focus on our clients’ results rather than our own.”

Jerry Reid, CEO of eBook or Print

Example 1: The $100,000 Case Study of Kishore

Dr Kishore Tipirneni wrote a hard science fiction book titled ‘New Eden’. We helped him to promote Book 1. After the success of Book 1, he has gone on to launch Books 2 & 3.

Highlights: Achieved an Amazon Bestsellers’ Rank of #2,400, and has done over $100,000 in sales since then.

Full case study: https://ebookorprint.com/kishore-case-study-igc/

Screenshot showing his #2,408 Amazon rank:

Example 2: $25,000 from Re-igniting Interest In An Older Series

S.G. Prince wrote Book 1 of The Elvish Trilogy in 2018. In 2021, she was intending to launch Book 3. We did a PR campaign to re-ignite interest in Books 1 and 2, as well publicise the pre-order of Book 3.

Result: $25,000 over 6 months

Full case study: https://ebookorprint.com/elvish-case-study-igc/

Screenshot from Amazon showing the series’ ratings and reviews:

Ready to get your book in the news?

If you wish to obtain the same credibility and exposure that we’ve done for these authors, simply click the button below:

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Kalm launched a book helping travelers learn Thai. He’s now writing an entire series around different language pairs.

Rachel’s Facebook ads were suffering from a lack of profitability. By putting her in the news, prospective readers could see her book being featured on different news media and that convinced more people to buy.

Edward is a financial consultant with over 25 years of experience. After publishing he did try to get coverage of all sorts by reaching out to news media, podcasters, YouTubers etc. It was frustrating for him because he didn’t have the right connections to get featured – or rather he’d have to waste time reaching out to so many outlets before finally getting 1 interview. By engaging us, he was guaranteed the features for a fixed price.

Ben Kaya, author of 6 books. This is an author who has used multiple other book marketing companies so we weren’t the first marketing company he engaged, but our results won us a returning customer for his future books.

Dr Cherice Roth, author of a children’s book titled ‘What’s A Real Doctor’?

Dale’s memoir got so much publicity he was bombarded with messages and requests for interviews.

Sandra Montanino, romance author.

Paul Nardozzi, non fiction author.

Ciana Stone, romance/mystery author.

Kelly Oliver, historical cozy author.

Ryburn Dobbs, mystery author.

Ready to get your book in the news?

If you wish to obtain the same credibility and exposure that we’ve done for these authors, simply click the button below:

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