• Order form: Part 1

  • If you encounter any issues or have questions, email us at admin@eBookorPrint.com or use our contact form.
  • We will be contacting you at this email address to confirm your order.
  • Note that the print book cover package comes with an eBook cover format for free. A print book cover consists of the entire front, spine, and back cover.

    Facebook covers and graphics can be customised to include your author and website information. These are meant for your Facebook page, Facebook posts, and Facebook advertising.

    The social media graphics package already includes Facebook, with additional graphics sized to fit Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

    If unsure, these add-ons can be bought after your order is complete.
  • Typically this would be Amazon and all major channels. We will make your book cover compliant for upload. If unsure, please leave this blank.
  • $0.00